News: More Broken Sword For Wii And DS Possible

Charles Cecil of Revolution Software comments on the possibility of more Broken Sword goodness on Wii and DS, including 2D versions of 3 and 4.

Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - Director's Cut for Wii and DS isn't even out yet, but Charles Cecil, the founder of Revolution Software, says that if the game is successful, they'll probably make even more Broken Sword games, and are even considering remaking the third and fourth games in 2D. Given that those two games were originally in 3D, Cecil commented that "it would be a case of reinterpreting them, probably taking more liberties than we did with the first one."

The success of The Shadow of the Templars might not only pave the way for director's cut versions of the four Broken Sword games, but also new entries in the series, new games and even a new Beneath a Steel Sky, which is looking very likely.

There you have it. If you're a Broken Sword fan and want more, you know what to do! Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars - Director's Cut for Wii and DS are coming out in Europe on March 1st and March 24th in Europe and the US respectively.

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