News: More Developer Revolution Comments

Posted 22 Oct 2005 at 02:53 by guest
Some more promising quotes, from some very significant Japanese game creators... a game from the makers of Killer 7 looking like a near certainty.
Following in the wake of the Hideo Kojima Revelation, IGNCube has studiously reproduced some more promising responses from second and third party Japanese developers. Here are a couple quoted from IGN to prime your interest... the rest can be found here.
Kouichi Suda, Grass Hopper Interactive (Killer 7):
"In truth, I have yet to get my hands on Revolution," Suda admits, but adds that he expects to get some hands on time shortly. Once he saw the controller at the product announcement, he felt that there was no choice but to make games for it. "I've already finalized a plan. Now, all that remains is to make it." Judging by Suda's comments, we can probably add Grass Hopper to the list of Revolution developers.
Hironobu Sakaguchi, Mistwalker (Final Fantasy creator):
"When I first saw it, I thought 'It's great!' and 'It's just like Nintendo!' It makes you feel like you're actually touching the screen. In that sense, you could say that it's an extension of the DS, but it's actually very different." Pointing out that the controller allows for a wide variety of actions, he adds, "When shown such a new concept, software makers are, even as just normal people, left excited."
Again, the rest can be found here. Gamers should rightfully be intrigued at the thought of what those talented minds can dream up. For one, I can't even imagine what the Killer 7 team is apparently already planning...but you can be sure R-E will be there to report on the project as the details come to light (had to work a plug in there.)