News: More Hudson Titles To WiiWare?

Posted 12 Jun 2008 at 15:03 by Nathan Whincup
Hudson have stated that they are currently considering bringing more new and old IPs to WiiWare.
Hudson have been more than generous with Nintendo's downloadable services, the Virtual Console and WiiWare, since the very beginning. The publisher have been working hard to acquire the rights to old Turbografx titles for VC releases, and have been working their magic with new titles such as Star Soldier R, which launched with WiiWare last month.
In an interview with N-Gamez, Hudson's Hiromi Tomisawa had something interesting to say in regards to bringing more titles to WiiWare: "Besides the already announced titles like Blue Oasis (My Aquarium) Alien Crush, Bomberman, and Tetris, we are currently considering many other titles that utilizes both old IPs and brand new ones."
Hudson have quite a portfolio of IPs to choose from. A new Bonk or Adventure Island title probably wouldn't be sniffed at, possibly even something more obscure such as the turn-based Military Madness? And then there's the possibilities of new IPs... Commenting community, what are your thoughts on this?