News: More LostWinds On The Way

Posted 03 Nov 2010 at 21:16 by Aaron Clegg
David Braben confirms fans of LostWinds can look forward to returning to Mistralis once again...
WiiWare franchise LostWinds has been one of those real success stories. The first game kicked off Nintendo's downloadable service to prove smaller quality titles could, while the sequel managed to build upon everything to become one of the most gorgeous experiences on the console.
While developer Frontier has been badgering away on Kinectimals, studio head David Braben confirmed to Eurogamer that the company intends to return to the LostWinds brand.
"It's far from done and dusted - there are still many more stories to tell from Mistralis. We'll keep you updated as we have news."
It was obviously still too an early to commit to further WiiWare exclusivity, but Braben did rule out any immediate future plans to develop for Sony's rival Move controller.
Are you excited to play more LostWinds on WiiWare?