Mario Strikers Charged Football

News: More Mario Strikers Info

This May, get ready for kick-off! Nintendo gives us the skinny inside...

Who needs to bend it like Beckham when you have blue shells to aim at the opposition? Plus, you can compete in a worldwide cup from your living room, with the multi-player mode via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

Hitting European Wiis from the May 25th, the title features one of the world's best sport, and the Mushroom Kingdom's best characters. Each team captain features a Super Ability which can be used to devastate their opponents, ranging from Mario growing to giant proportions and trampling other players, to Peach taking a photo and freezing the entire opposing team on the spot. As well as this, players can choose 3 side-kicks (from a total of 8) who each have their own unique features which allows for tactical team customisation.

The Wii-mote brings a dynamic new element to the series, encouraging the player to make instinctive physical movements to achieve the desired effect within the game. Basic movement and strikes are executed using the analogue stick and buttons on the Wii Remote and nunchuk. Flicking the Wii-mote will cause the character to check their opponent, hopefully stealing the ball in the process. Players can also use the revolutionary controller to perform cat-like saves, defending their goal from Megastrikes by grabbing the balls clean out of the air.

Filled with humour, the game allows fouled players get special treats with which to avenge themselves, ranging from Red Spiky Shells, which knock everything out of their path, to the Chain Chomp that chases players from the opposing team around the pitch.

In multiplayer mode, up to four players can battle against each other, dividing into two teams.. Players can also utilise the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to challenge fellow footballers from across the globe! Multiplayer modes include Ranked mode where players can compete to climb up leaderboards and Unranked mode where they can quickly select and play friends.

The game's main mode, Road to the Striker Cup, pits players against increasingly difficult opposition as they compete to win three different cups. For quicker pick-up and play action the game's Domination Mode allows players to set-up a game to suit them, defining the rules as well as selecting stadium and cheats. Nintendo also describes the title as having "a plethora of extra features", along with 17 stadiums in which to play, each with varying features and characteristics to put you off your game and challenge you to even greater heights.

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