
News: More Nanostray Details

Developer Shin'en Multimedia is looking to set the graphical bar on the DS with its upcoming shooter...

In a recent interview with the fine folks over at Nintendo Insider, the team at german developer Shin'en had a lot to say about their fantastic looking shooter, Nanostray, for the DS. For all the details, you can access that interview here. Read on for several highlights from that article:

  • The second screen will be used for quick selection of ship weapons (about 8 total), high-score display, and a specialized radar that provides analysis of stage bosses.
  • The game will have an ADVENTURE mode, which is the main story mode comprised of 10 stages.
  • The game will include numerous unlockables, the most readily-obvious being that every stage will be unlocked in the ARCADE high-score run mode as they are defeated.
  • High scores can be posted online at the Nanostray website via a small password displayed in-game following completion of a high-score run.
  • The CHALLENGE mode will allow for various special items to be unlocked, seen and manipulated in the Gallery section.
  • 150 enemy characters to gun down.
  • Nanostray will utilize Shin'en's own DSX sound engine which will allow for 1 hour of near CD-quality audio in the game.
  • The team firmly believes that upon release, Nanostray will be the graphical bar other DS games will be held up to.

Again, the interview can be found here.

Nanostray is slated for a summer release, and is looking to provide exactly what DS twitch-shooter fans have been craving: a fast, fun, graphically awesome game that will keep them blasting away for hours.

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