News: More Resident Evil Info
Posted 16 Feb 2002 at 11:02 by Gerben
First of all, the magazine reported that Resident Evil will come with a free memory card in Japan. The retailing price will be 6 800 yen, which is 58,50 Euros. The game requires 8 of the 59 memory card blocks.
Famitsu also revealed more news about a sub-character, Rebecca Chambers. She will be playable when you've selected Chris. The game will automatically switch to her when Chris is busy. So basically she's his assistant who takes over his job when he has something better to do.
A strange thing that Famitsu reported, were the new controls. They showed an image where you see the control stick, and next to that image the directions were explained. Planet GameCube has translated the Japanese directions to English.
Have a look at the pic below and try to see what's so strange.

Pressing up makes your character go forward, pressing to the right makes him rotate to the right. Ok, till now it's what you'd expect. However, pressing left makes your character go... backwards! And pressing down makes your character rotate to the left!
That's pretty weird huh? It might of course be that Famitsu made a mistake, but if not, we're in for a surprise (and controls that will take quite a while to get used to).
We'll keep you updated!
Source: Planet GameCube