News: More Skyward Sword Details, Videos

Posted 22 Oct 2011 at 19:48 by Aaron Clegg
You know the drill. Don't enter if you don't want spoilers...
Nintendo continues its odd tactic of playing up The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword by revealing more and more of what seems like the entire game.
The latest press release details more locations, items and gameplay mechanics.
Eldin Volcano and the Mogma: After battling Demon Lord Ghirahim in Skyview Temple, Link travels to Eldin Volcano where he meets the Mogma - a new race of subterranean creatures that are also exploring this area. The Mogma help Link traverse this fiery environment, giving him key items and advice along the way.New Items: In the Eldin Volcano area, Link will receive additional items including the Digging Mitts and the Bomb Bag. With the addition of the Bomb Bag, players can collect bombs from bomb flowers, which are essential to puzzle solving. The Wii Remote� Plus controller gives players a variety of ways to use bombs. Players can throw bombs using an overhead motion or roll them like bowling balls, even putting a spin on their trajectory. The Digging Mitts, an item new to The Legend of Zelda series, allow players to dig in marked areas on the ground for secret and key items hidden in the ground. In the Eldin Temple area, this includes the pieces needed to open the door to the Earth Temple.
Earth Temple: In the Earth Temple, players must balance Link on a giant ball as he rolls across pools of molten lava. Link must also face Scaldera in this temple, while navigating a steep incline.
Harp: As in previous Zelda titles, music plays an important role in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and is integrated into game play. Using the Wii Remote Plus controller, players can play a variety of songs using a Harp Link receives during the game.
There are also four new gameplay videos to view, courtesy of GameTrailers, which roughly relate to what's covered in the press release.