News: More Skyward Sword Spoilers

Posted 07 Oct 2011 at 14:46 by Paul Muchmore
Nintendo have released some more details about the start of Link's adventure in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
Following the spoilers released yesterday, Nintendo have given some even more juicy details about the opening stages of the next Legend of Zelda game for Wii.
- Link's adventure will begin in Skyloft, an island town suspended high in the sky. The game's story begins a day before Link is due to take part in a bird-flying competition, of which the prize is to take part in a special ceremony with Zelda.
- Zelda and Link are very close friends who have always shared a special bond. Events in the game will add more depth to the relationship.
- Groose - Link's nemesis at school. A bully, he is a threat to Link's chances of winning the bird-flying competition and is jealous of Link's relationship with Zelda
- Early on, Link encounters Fi, the spirit of the Goddess Sword. Fi acts as a guide in the quest that will result in the creation of the Master Sword.
- Zeld's father is called Gaepora. He is the headmaster of Link's school and bears a strong resemblance to the owl Kaepora Gaebora from Ocarina of Time.
- The first location Link visits after leaving Skyloft is Faron Woods, previously visited in Twilight Princess. Here Link will battle through the Skyview Temple, where Zelda may be being held.
- By holding down the A button, Link can Dash, which will make him run faster and gain acrobatic abilities. For example, he will be able to run up walls to grab onto a ledge. This uses up Link's stamina. Other attacks, such as the spin attack, use up stamina, and when it is all used up Link will become sluggish while he recovers.
- Link can use his sword to search for things in a method called dowsing. In dowsing mode, when Link holds out his sword it will beep when pointed in the direction of the intended target, which will flash. In Faron Woods, he uses this method to search for Zelda.
- Link will encounter a new species called Kikwi while exploring the forest. These cute, fuzzy creatures resemble a cross between a plant and an animal. Link finds them in the forest through dowsing, to aid him in his search for Zelda.
- One of the first items Link receives in the game is the Slingshot. Although it is not very strong, it can stun enemies and activate objects in the environment. Players aim the slingshot using MotionPlus technology
Nintendo have also released two new trailers showing off the dowsing mechanism and the Skyview Temple.
Be sure to stay tuned to N-Europe as we receive even more tidbits of information in the build-up to Skyward Sword's release on 18th November.