News: More Tilt Games On The Way?

InvenSense announce a new motion-sensing device for use in handheld consoles, details inside.

California -based InvenSense have revealed that it has produced a motion-sensing device for handheld consoles that will be inexpensive and easy to use. Named the IDG-300, it contains a motion-sensing gyroscope capable of measuring up to 400 degrees of rotation on two axis.

This new technology could enable more games like Nintendo's Wario Ware: Twisted, whose tilt-sensor was supplied by NEC and famously contained mercury, scuppering a European launch for the title due to EU trading laws on the metal.

However InvenSense's IDG-300 is a tiny 6x6mm unit that can be embedded in the small DS cartridge. For some reason, it is not compatible with a UMD, though it could be placed in a USB dongle for the PSP to deliver similar results.

Maybe Nintendo would like to finally release Wario Ware: Twisted over here with this new technology, who knows?

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