News: More WiiWare & DSiWare For Europe

Fancy playing a bit of Kid Icarus on WiiWare? Well, you can't, but Icarian: Kindred Spirits is probably the next best thing...

Today sees a handful of new downloadable goodness for Nintendo platforms, as both Icarian: Kindred Spirits and Let's Catch are released on WiiWare, both for 1000 Points. The former is a great looking side-scrolling platformer starring your own winged heroine:

The latter, Let's Catch is a semi-companion title to the full game Let's Tap, also released by Prope and Sega today. This WiiWare title sees you throwing and catching baseballs, bombs, and other bits and bobs - extra content is available if you also own Let's Tap. Check out how it looks below:

Finally, the DSiWare services sees A Little Bit of... Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: Maths Edition, which includes a remix of maths games from the first two Brain Training titles, along with a couple of new ones thrown in for good measure. It's available now for 800 Points.

What will you be downloading? Let us know below...

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