News: Mother 3 Translated Into English

Some very dedicated fans have finally translated Shigesato Itoi's magical GBA RPG into English.

For fans of the obscure Japanese RPG series Mother (known as Earthbound in Western territories), the agonising wait for Nintendo to ultimately acknowledge the demand for the series in Europe and the USA is finally over, as several dedicated fans of the series have taken it upon themselves to fully translate Mother 3 for the Game Boy Advance into English.

To download the English language patch, you'll first need a ROM of Mother 3 and a GBA emulator. We wholly recommend that you first purchase your own copy of the game rather than simply pirating it, this way you get the rare chance to enjoy an excellent game in English which has been shunned by Nintendo of America and Europe, and the developers get their share for the 13 years of work they put into it!

Full instructions for downloading the patch can be found here, alongside the patch itself. If you've given the English version of Mother 3 a blast already, do let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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