News: Motion Plus Not Exclusive To Nintendo

The upcoming Wii-mote add-on set to give extremely high motion sensing and accuracy will not remain just on the Wii...

InvenSense, the company behind the upcoming peripheral, Wii MotionPlus has lately confirmed that the technology is not exclusive to Nintendo, meaning they can sell technology to other companies interested in motion sensing. Perhaps Microsoft or Sony will contact InvenSense to have motion sensing for future consoles if they go down that route.

Joe Virginia from InvenSense has stated that companies out there have expressed interest in the technolgy, though currently, he's not naming who. The peripheral which adds a micro electrical mechanical systems (MEMS) rate gyroscope to the Wii-mote allowing six degrees of freedom, will be out next year along with Wii Sports Resort.

Stay with N-Europe for more geeky tech talk and announcements regarding Motion Plus and Wii Sports Resort.

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