News: Multi-Console Charts

The week ending April 19th saw some changes in the multi-console charts. Find out what changes here.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell has hit the top spot for another week. Otherwise in the chart the usual move around.

1. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Xbox, PS2, NGC, GBA, PC/Ubi Soft)
2. The Sims (Xbox, PS2, NGC, PC/Electronic Arts)
3. Championship Manager 4 (PC/Eidos)
4. Primal (PS2/SCEE)
5. FIFA 2003 (Xbox, PS2, NGC, GBA, PC/Electronic Arts)
6. Harry Potter � Chamber Of Secrets (Xbox, PS2, NGC, GBA, PC/Electronic Arts)
7. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2/Take-Two Interactive)
8. The Getaway (PS2/SCEE)
9. Vietcong (PC/Gathering)
10. X-Men 2: Wolverine's Revenge (Xbox, PS2, NGC, GBA, PC/Activision)
11. Dancing Stage Party Edition (PSOne/Konmi)
12. Metal Gear Solid 2 � Substance (Xbox, PS2, PC/Konami)
13. Lord Of The Rings � The Two Towers (Xbox, PS2, NGC, GBA/Electronic Arts)
14. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (Xbox, PS2, NGC, PC/Ubi Soft)
15. Rayman 3 (Xbox, PS2, NGC, GBA, PC/Ubi Soft)
16. Zelda: Link To The Past (GBA/Nintendo)
17. Devil May Cry 2 (PS2/Capcom)
18. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 (Xbox, PS2, NGC, PC/Electronic Arts)
19. Lord Of The Rings � Fellowship Of The Ring (Xbox, PS2, NGC, GBA/VU Games)
20. Freelancer (PC/Microsoft)

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