News: Multiplayer Metroid 2?

Posted 09 Jan 2004 at 12:39 by Iun Hockley
Rumour has it that the sequel to Metroid Prime will feature massive mega multiplayer madness! Read on, hunters!
According to rumours published in IGN yesterday, Metroid 2 (working title) -the sequel to last years hit follow-up to the Metroid series on Gamecube, will feature a "full-blown" multiplayer mode as well as the extensive single player mode.
We all love Metroid, wouldn't it be great if we all had the chance to love it together? Metroid Prime was a fantastic piece of single player gaming, but the one thing it lacked (other than Deely-Boppers) was a comprehensive Multiplayer mode.
Although I must stress that these are only rumours, it would seem that the next logical step would be to include a multiplayer experience within the next game. More news as it breaks.