News: n-Space Bringing the Goods to E3

Posted 14 May 2011 at 16:26 by Aaron Clegg
n-Space confirm their 3DS roster to make a public debut very soon...
Florida-based studio n-Space have indicated that they'll have several E3 announcements to please the Nintendo faithful. Speaking to 3DS Connect, the company's founder Dan O'Leary talked up n-Space's 3DS plans.
"We currently have three 3DS titles in development, one for 2011 and two for early 2012. All of them will be announced at or before E3 early next month. We're very excited to share them with the world and hope that many of your readers will look forward to their release."
The Geist-developer has been most visible in recent years producing the Nintendo DS versions of Activision's Call of Duty franchise, but its been tight-lipped on what exactly it's making for 3DS.
We'll certainly keep two eyes on what n-Space has to offer for 3DS gamers, so stay tuned.