News: Namco's GameCube Plans

Famitsu recently interviewed Namco president, Youichi Haraguchi, about their plans for the next-gen consoles. For the full translated transcript (thanks to core magazine) Click Here

Haraguchi for the first time, officially announced that Ridge Racer 6 is GameCube bound, along with several other titles set for release early 2003. Here's what he had to say...

Question: Can you shed some light on Namco's GameCube plans?

Haraguchi-san: As previously announced, we plan to release Soul Calibur 2 simultaneously on all three consoles. Outside of that, we're working on several GameCube titles which are targeted for early 2003. Development on the next chapter in the Ridge Racer series, for example, is coming along smoothly. It should be a great year for Nintendo's console, with the release of Mario Sunshine and Capcom's Biohazard titles.

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