News: Namco Speaks To CE About RPGs

Posted 06 Feb 2004 at 17:35 by Ashley Jones
Breaking: Namco's RPGs Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos are set to come to Europe!
A while ago Namco announced that they had no plans to release either Tales fo Symphonia or Baten Kaitos in Europe. They believed that the sales that were predicted for these two titles would be worth it.
In the natural way of the internet a petition was made and people signed. However, unlike most internet petitions, it was acknowledged.
Namco have announced that the highly anticipated RPGs Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos will be coming to Europe after all.
Speaking exclusively to Cube-Europe a Namco representative from their Consumer Division said the following on the issue:
"I am pleased to let you know that both of these titles will be released on the GameCube for Europe. However, this will not take place until the end of this year/beginning of next year due to the lengthy translation process."
While it may be a long while off it is at least coming. This is good news all around, because the games have been critically acclaimed by various websites and magazines.
Cube-Europe will update you with any additional news as we find it out.