News: Naughty Dog Speaks about Nintendo!

Posted 04 Mar 2004 at 10:39 by guest
"Nintendo had the drivers and the hardware, not to mention the franchises to make it number 1. They just didn't use them like I would have used them. It has always been my dream to work with the guys at Nintendo on a dream project, and if things keep going the way they are, I just might get my wish! *he winks at the camera*"
So are Naughty Dog and Nintendo going to combine to make a new game? It is highly unlikely as Naughty Dog is a Sony owned development studio which means they only make games for the Playstation 2. If they were to make a game with Nintendo though this could mean that the rumours of Nintendo going third party may not be as false as you may think. Or I may be talking a pile of cack and Rubin is just teasing us Nintendo fans;)