News: Neocell Factorys' Resonance!

Posted 06 Apr 2004 at 22:15 by Iun Hockley
Neocell Factoyr does Survival-Horror, Inquisition style!
survival-Horror is a funny old game: strange camera angles, crazy things from beyond the grave, laughable voice "acting", they all come together to create games that we both love and fear with equal measure.
And so steps into the fray a game named "Resonance". Created by the good people at Neocell Factory, Resonance is set to take the Survival-Horror experience to new areas of gameplay and story. Set in during the time of the Inquistion, the player will control Faye Winter - a witch serving under the watchful eye of her monarch.
The game will feature a new third-person camera system, which will replace the traditional "Resident Evil" style fixed camera. Additionally, the game seeks to combine traditional Survival-Horror scares with more RPG elements. What could this mean? Could it be there will be some kind of "levelling" system in the game? Only time will really tell, and we expect more details on this particular game at E3.
If you're hungry for more information, check out the official website here