News: Netflix Launching in UK in 2012

Posted 25 Oct 2011 at 06:14 by Ashley Jones
The popular American film and television streaming service is due to hit British devices next year.
Over in the USA television and film fans have enjoyed Netflix's video streaming service for many years. Users subscribe to the service for a monthly fee and can stream 1000s of movies and television programmes on computers and a number of consoles.
CVG is reporting that the service is making its way to the UK next year, although details about which devices it would feature on are currently not known. In addition to this pricing and specific launch information will not be revealed until the expected launch, currently scheduled for "early 2012".
With a number of places to stream television content and rental services such as LoveFilm offering film streaming in the UK similar services already exist. However, Netflix's success has been due to its combination of content and the number of devices it can be used on. In America both the Wii and 3DS support Netflix and hopefully the same will be true in the UK when it launches next year.