News: New Call of Duty for Wii?

Nintendo of America's George Harrison says that Activision are working on a Call of Duty for the Wii...

Reggie revealed to us a new Medal of Honor game for the Wii before EA announced it. George Harrison has done the same for Call of Duty.

In an interview with GameDaily BIZ, Nintendo of America's SVP of Marketing and Corporate Communications, George Harrison, stated that Activision are working on a Call of Duty that takes advantage of the Wii Zapper. There is nothing official from Activision yet, though.

George Harrison:"The Zapper's been shown to the publishers and you've heard this morning that Resident Evil from Capcom and Call of Duty are going to take advantage of it."

Nothing is known about this Call of Duty game, and could even just be a mistake by George Harrison. If it does exist, it is a new, exclusive Call of Duty, a port of the PSP's Call of Duty: Roads to Victory or Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare?

Stay tuned for more details in the future.

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