News: New DS Castlevania Title Revealed

Posted 15 May 2008 at 22:54 by Tom Phillips
Konami have revealed Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia for the DS...
It appears the rumours we reported on back in January were correct - a new Castlevania title for the DS is in development. Revealed last night at Konami's Gamer Night 08, the official reveal of the game showed off the title, and its new female lead character (a first for the series), named Shenoa.

Dracula will be appearing once again, despite the story taking place years after the disappearance of the Belmont family. The only ones able to defeat Dracula now are the mysterious Order of Ecclesia.
Changes include an updated art style, and a new combat system relying on "glyphs" which are absorbed into the player's character, providing them with magical abilities for their weapons - which can be assigned to the characer's left hand, right hand or back. The glyphs drain magic points, and while equipping the same glyph to both hands will give the character a stronger attack, it will drain double the magic.
A world map now provides travel outside the boundaries of the castle, with other locations including a mountainous area and a sinking ship. The title can be played in two-player co-operatively via local wireless.
Interestingly, the rumours in January stated that some sort of Wii connection would be included - and though none was mentioned, the fact that the leaks did come from the game released today suggest there is something Konami isn't telling us... Hmm...
The game is scheduled for this Autumn in Japan. In the meantime, new screenshots can be found below: