News: New DS Zelda Revealed!

Posted 23 Mar 2006 at 14:32 by Ashley Jones
We present Nintendo's megaton for the GDC speech: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, an epic 3D touch-screen enabled new Zelda!
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, which features slick 3D Wind Waker-style graphics. Action takes place mostly on the bottom screen, whereas the top screen is used for maps and other displays.
Puzzles can be completed using the touch-screen, which is also used to create paths for the boomerang to be thrown along - making sure you hit all those enemies and switches. Apparently the game will be released "this year", though whether that will include an European release, it has not yet been confirmed. Eitherway, the game will be playable at E3, when no doubt we will hear more.
Update: We know you've been wanting it and now we've found it, the video! It can be found by clicking here, or viewed below. Is that Navi we can see?