News: New DSiWare Title From Activision

Posted 05 Apr 2009 at 13:11 by Tom Phillips
Another big developer signs up to support the DSiWare - Activision announces a new DSiWare title inside!
Developers Activision have just had a new downloadable title for the DSi rated by PEGI, the European game ratings board. Named Mixed Messages, the game has been rated for 3+ and has been given the genre of "other" by the ratings company.
No other information is known at the current time - we think PEGI have put up the information a little earlier than Activision expected. The only other DSi games that have been rated so far have been the launch titles we reported last week (two titles earlier listed by the company from Gameloft have been pulled down).
So what do you think the game could be? A puzzle game where you must decide who is telling the truth? A communications program like PictoChat? Or something else entirely? Let us know your thoughts on this mysterious new Activision title below...