News: New Ghostbusters Information

Posted 29 Nov 2007 at 05:59 by Dean Jones
Lots of new information on the Wii version of Ghostbusters. Controls, levels, modes and more...
This month's NGamer gives us new information on the Wii version of the upcoming Ghostbusters game.
You're probably wanting to know if the controls are what you're hoping them to be. Good news, then - they are. The pointer controls the Proton Gun and will enable you to bash stuff against walls, similar to Eledees, and thrusting the Nunchuck forwards throws a Ghost Trap. You'll then have to "guide" the ghost into the trap with the pointer.
The graphics have also gone a different way to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Instead of opting simply for toned down graphics for the Wii version, developers Red Fly have gone for a stylised look slightly similar to Battalion Wars. The solo game in the Wii version will be as long as the other versions.
The story mode has a script that was edited and tweaked by Dan Ackroyd and Harold Ramis and is essentially a third Ghostbusters movie. Levels include a Graveyard, Macy's Day Parade, A Library (complete with the Scary Woman), a chase trough New York with the Marshmellow Man and a level based on "Lost Island".
There will also be a slew of multiplayer modes. You've probably heard about the "Busters Vs Ghosts" mode, where 2 players control the Ghostbusters and the other two control the Ghosts. Red Fly promise a massive selection of levels. The levels will be rendered completely differently in the view of the Ghosts, too. On top of this is a 4-player Co-op through the single player and a 4-player competitive co-op which has all four players both working together to complete the levels, but also competing to catch the most ghosts. There's also a mode where you win by destroying the most furniture.
As with most Wii games, there will also be a selection of Minigames. The ones in Ghostbusters include a 30s Hungry Hippos-esque challenge to zap 100 ghosts, a Ghost Trap sliding test and a battle against overloading proton packs.
Red Fly are developing the Wii version of the game and will be downgrading the Wii version for the PlayStation 2