News: New Killer7 Details

Posted 13 Feb 2004 at 21:39 by Ashley Jones
Some more details about Killer7 have been leaked. Find out about the story and gameplay inside!
In the game Killer7 you play as sixty-year old Harman Smith, the best hitman in the world. You have just been hired by the USA to Kun Lan, a terrorist who has released the Heaven Smile upon the world. Harman has seven different personalities that you take control of during the game, making a whole new playing experience.
The game will span six scenarios, taking up two hours each and containing real time cut scenes. Each personality will contain unique special abilities and they can be changed by changing the channels on the television.
Rather than moving around a 3D world you move on a linear path but can choose routes to take and go back to past actions.
While travelling around you will encounter Heaven Smiles, who must be scanned to be seen. Once scanned you zoom in with the left analogue stick. Each Heaven Smile has a weak spot which contains atoms pouring out of it. Hitting this guarantees a one hit kill.
The seven personalities can be found below.
1. Garcian Smith age 33: Gifted with clairvoyance. Has power to see through enemies weak spots and their habits. He is not used in battle often due to his weak weapon. He is primarily used to resurrect fallen characters. Weapon = Silenced Handgun.
2. Dan Smith age 33: Can change bullet projections with his mind. He only trust Garcian. He is evil and if given the opportunity, he would kill Harman Smith. Trained killer that has a hidden power no one knows, even Harman. Weapon = Modified Colt Python.
3. Mask De Smith age 38: Uses a lucha mask to hide his identity and his horrible skin burns. Uses grenade launchers to blast open certain doors. Weapon = Dual Grenade Launchers
4. Coyote Smith age 28: Can move through physical matter. Is incredibly violent and doesn't get along with anyone. Weapon = Modified Enfield.
5. Kevin Smith age 30: Is Ultra sensitive to light. Due to this he sticks to shadows and specializes in stealth kills. He is the only one to not use a handgun. Has infrared vision. Weapon = throwing knives
6. Kaede Smith age 20: Only female member. Is in love with both Coyote and Dan. Has a scope on her weapon and is able to kill from long range. Has a very slow reload time. Weapon = AMT Hardballer
7. Con Smith age 14!!!!: Blind since birth. Uses hearing to find his way. Has speed and ability to fire two firearms. Weapon = Dual Automatics