News: New Links Crossbow Training Info

Posted 21 Sep 2007 at 08:41 by Dean Jones
Nintendo have released some new information on Link's Crossbow Training, which includes 3 modes of play...
Link's Crossbow Training will be packaged in free with the Wii Zapper, and is designed to show off the Zapper. If features 27 stages, three modes of play and a hotseat multiplayer mode. The three modes of play are:
Target Shooting The simplest type of gameplay. The camera is stationary and the mission is to simply shoot targets. Hitting the centres of the bull's-eyes earns more points, and hitting targets in succession without missing earns combo multipliers. In later stages the targets move.
Defender Link remains stationary, but in this mode you can use the control stick to turn the camera. Hoard of enemies, attack Link and the mission is simply to survive or protect something. Example missions include fighting off skeletons in a desert and defending a wagon from boar-riding Bokoblins.
Ranger This mode feature full FPS movement and aiming. These missions will feature different scenarios such as storming an enemy encampment and hunting your way through a forest.
All modes feature turn-based multiplayer, and the main aim is to achieve the highest score. We will being you more news on this game as it happens.