News: New Manhunt 2 details

Various new details about the violent and pretty gruesome game heading to the Wii.

Some new details regarding Rockstar Games' Manhunt 2 for the Nintendo Wii have hit the web. The game promises to be even more violent and gruesome than the first, so you can expect Jack Thompson to be blasting this game very soon.

- Much of the original cast from Manhunt (The Director, gangs, CCTV cameras and death row dodger, James Earl Cash) won't be involved in Manhunt 2

- As expected, the game takes place in an asylum. Dr. Daniel Lamb has been put into this facility by a group of people developing drug-based weapons.

- Fellow inmate Leo Kasper teaches Daniel his killing methods

- Kill levels follow the set from the first - Hasty, Violent and Gruesome

- Environmental kills

- Sound plays a part in the game, which can help you drown out your dirty deeds

- Context sensative gameplay has been added in at parts, for example, to control Daniel's breathing

- Climbing and crawling are now in the game

- Stealth kills can also be accomplished with guns, but no more details were given

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