News: New Peripheral For Gold & Silver Re-make

Posted 07 Jun 2009 at 15:52 by Tom Phillips
A brand new gadget will be coming bundled in with the new DS Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver! Check it out inside...
Last month Nintendo revealed that GameBoy Color classics Pokémon Gold & Silver were getting re-made as Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
Just revealed on this week's Pokémon Sunday show in Japan however is that the title will support PokéWalk, a bundled pedometre style gadget which gamers can take with them on the go to raise up the experience and happiness points of one Pokémon you transfer over to the device.

Also included on the PokéWalk are a couple of mini-games where items such as Potions for the main game can be found, and another that features encounters with wild Pokémon.
Details are still sketchy, but in the mean time, check out the devices' announcement in this slice of Japanese craziness: