News: New Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Details!

Posted 14 Jun 2006 at 08:16 by Tom Phillips
More info on the DS generation of Pokémon titles has emerged, along with confirmation that the Day/Night system will return!
Japanese magazine CoroCoro has printed a ton of new information and screens on the upcoming two DS Pokémon versions Diamond and Pearl. Most significantly, it has been revealed the popular Day/Night system (used in Gold and Silver but dropped from the GBA generation) will return in expanded form - as players will now be able to experience the Pokémon world in Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening and Night modes!
Pokémon sprites will now show differences between male and female versions of the same Pokémon - with differences including subtle changes in the patterns, size and shape of physical features on a Pokémon's body.
The Pokédex has been updated again to include a weight comparison feature - with the option to input your own height and weight to compare with your Pokemon's. Other new gear includes a high-tech watch which will act like a PokéNav (called the Pokétchi in Japanese). It'll have over twenty features, including time management, a monitoring of your Pokémon in the Breeding Center, a type chart and more.
The professor who guides you through the game is called Nanakamado this time round, and the reigon you explore is called Shinou, which as usual will be based on one of the islands of Japan, this time Hokkaido. Other tidbits include that 90% of the Pokémon in this game will be able to evolve, the Pokémon Center has gotten a re-design and a basement, the professor is apparently known for being slightly wacky and weird, and as expected you'll be able to use the DS' touch screen in the Pokédex.
No new Pokémon were revealed on top of the ones we already know about, though it looks as if 400+ likely to be in the game will be re-numbered again. The CoroCoro article scans are below for your perusal, click on the thumbs for larger versions: