News: New Pokémon Titles Revealed This Weekend

Posted 05 Apr 2010 at 08:01 by Tom Phillips
Details on the upcoming fifth generation of Pokémon titles are just around the corner...
This Sunday will see the new fifth generation of the Pokémon revealed to the world. Despite Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver having only just launched here in Europe, popular Japanese television show Pokémon Sunday will reveal to the next true sequels this weekend.
Announced earlier this year by Nintendo's chief Satoru Iwata, the latest set of games will see even more new critters added to the already bulging roster, including these two recently revealed chappies, Zorua and its evolution Zoroark:

What we're now left wondering is whether the fifth generation will release on the DS as promised (albeit before the 3DS announcement), or, since the new games will be hitting Japan later this year possibly around the same time as Ninty's new handheld, whether the games will be optimised for the 3DS too.
Maybe some combination of both? Let us know your thoughts below - and stay tuned for next weekend, when we'll bring you the full details as soon as Pokémon Sunday airs...