News: New Sin & Punishment 2 Info

Posted 06 Oct 2009 at 13:52 by Aaron Clegg
How long can gamers expect the sequel to be, and why develop a follow-up in the first place? That and more can be discovered inside...
The much-awaited to sequel to the cult N64 classic and Virtual Console hero Sin & Punishment releases in Japan in just three weeks, yet Nintendo have been typically quiet on the front of one its key titles.

Luckily, Famitsu managed to coerce Nintendo and developer Treasure into divulging some fresh info on the run-n-gun shoot 'em up. We've summarised the goodies below.
- The sequel came about primarily due to the Wii and its controls.
- The main character in the game is Isa Jo. Isa briefly appeared in a future scene in the original, where it was explained he would be the son of Saki and Airan.
- Isa is sent to an alternate Earth to kill an amnesiac girl named Kachi, but Isa and Kachi end up fighting together.
- The game very much plays like an arcade title, but has the volume of a fully-fledged console game.
- The size of the stages differ from the original, but the sequel should take players at least twice as long to complete.
- Players can now move through the air as well as strafe on the ground.
- The two playable characters have different skills; in the way their charged shots and lock-on systems work.
- Difficulty modes available ranging from easy to hard.
- Online leaderboards are in.
You can find the full report over at 1UP.
Sin & Punishment 2 is expected to release in the US and Europe in the first quarter of 2010.