News: New Super Mario Bros. 2 Announced

Posted 21 Apr 2012 at 13:03 by Aaron Clegg
Releasing in a few months!
Satoru Iwata saved the last announcement of the Nintendo Direct address for the biggest yet arguably least surprising. The side-scrolling Mario platformer for 3DS recently teased was of course New Super Mario Bros. 2.
The game looks just about as you'd expect, with one new feature already confirmed to be the in-vogue Raccoon Mario!

We've got a few more screens dirtily taken straight from the video stream, so be sure to check them out in the gallery.
New Super Mario Bros. 2 will release in Japan and North America in August. We're expecting European confirmation shortly.
Update: As expected, the European Nintendo Direct address confirmed New Super Mario Bros. 2 for the region. The game is due to launch here in August.