News: New Terminator Game Announced for GCN

Atari has announced the development of a second game based on the summer movie hit Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. The game will be set in the post-apocalyptic universe of the film. Oh, the originality. Itis said to feature character and vehicle based combat reminiscent of the movie series.

Jim Gails (NOT of J.Geils band fame) Executive Producer of Ataris Paradigm Studio says: "Terminator 3: Redemption will give gamers an opportunity to experience the world of Terminator like never before -- they will go places and do things that have only been hinted at in the films. The Terminator movies have become known for their incredible chase scenes and total destruction -- in Terminator 3: Redemption we're going to recreate that moment-by-moment intensity with incredible action-driving only the Terminator license can provide."

A demo of the forthcoming game was provided on the first T3 game on PS2 and Xbox. Even thoguh Arnold "The Governator" Schwarzenegger swore he wouldn't make any more movies during his tenure as governor, he WILL however be voicing his in-game character. The game is scheduled for a summer/autmn release 2004.

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