News: New Vivendi Games

Vivendi have announced many new games at their pre-E3 conference.

Vivendi Universal is currently hosting a pre-E3 conference in Los Angeles and has announced many new titles for their 2003-2004 season. The games and a brief description of each can be found below.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds

This game will feature six playable characters including Buffy herself. It also boasts hundreds of fighting animations as well as both hand-to-hand and magic enhanced combats. There will also be six multiplayer modes where players can choose from up to twenty-four characters, good or evil, from the Buffy universe. The game is scheduled for a fall release of 2003 in the USA.

The Simpsons: Hit and Run

This game is being developed by Radical Entertainment and is The Simpsons' take on Grand Theft Auto. There will be over 2,500 lines of written dialogue from the show's writers as well as voice talents from the cast. Players will race around Springfiled with over 70 missions to complete including racing, collecting and "out of car" experiences. This game is scheduled for a fall 2003 release in America.


Some more details of this upcoming game were announced, it boasts 30 minutes of unseen Futurama footage. This game is also scheduled to be released later this year.

The Hobbit

Now scheduled for a September release in the USA.

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

A new third-person action title developed by Swingin' Ape Studios. Players take control of a small robot called Glitch with many guns and is out to save the world from an evil General. Vivendi Universal producer Mike Jacob describes it as "Halo meets Ratchet and Clank." When shot enemies fall apart piece by piece and as Glitch you can hack into other robots and control them. A four player split screen is also promised for this game releasing in November in America.

Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat

The game will feature 13 levels from the Dr Seuss universe and the release is set to coincide with the Mike Myers movie out later this year.

Crash Nitro Kart

Being developed by Vicarious Visions this game has 17 tracks, 16 playable characters and multiple game play modes. There is also a multiplayer option and eight player LAN support. The game will be similar to Diddy Kong Racing on the N64 and will feature "aerobatics, twisty loops, and wacky personality". Expected in Q4 2003 in the USA VU producer David Robinson says, "Crash will now represent Universal swinging for the fence when it comes to technology, game play, and presentation. To borrow from Will Smith, he will be 'the new hotness.'"

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