News: New Wii Channel Arrives!

It's like one big poll. Bet you weren't expecting this. Updated with video footage.

Nintendo continue to be full of surprises. News has reached our eager ears that there is a new Wii channel available for downloading. Titled Everybody Votes, it gives your Miis the chance to vote on questions Nintendo put up for your consideration, once registered. To try it out you have to update your Wii, then go to Wii Shop Channel, and then Wii Ware. Current questions include 'Which is a more romantic Valentine's gift?' One wonders if Nintendo will eventually use the service to get owners' opinions on Nintendo policy and software.

Go Nintendo have some shots of the new channel.

Update: Our GCTonyHawk7 has grabbed what may be the first online video footage of the new channel, check it out below! (To save, Right-Click and Save Target As)

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