News: New Wii Remote Imminent

Posted 21 May 2010 at 10:57 by Tom Phillips
Nintendo are updating the Wii Remote - what's different? Head inside...
Gaming site Engadget have dug up intel on a new version of the Wii Remote being cleared by the FCC. Outwardly it looks exactly the same, which suggests something is different inside...
Check every Wii, official accessory and controller and you'll find a model number prefixed by the letters RVL (for Revolution, the system's code-name). Every Wii-mote is numbered RVL-003, whereas this new version will be RVL-036, denoting an entirely new product.
What could it be? The smart money is on a Wii Remote and MotionPlus attachement combo, shrinking the two into the size of your standard Remote. Nintendo have stated in the past that such an update would eventually be their intention - stay tuned for a probable announcement next month at E3, alongside the new MotionPlus Zelda.