News: New Wii Titles Revealed!

Breaking: Heading to Wii: Sin & Punishment 2, Punch Out, Another Code, Eternal Ocean 2 plus many, many more!

Sure to finally quiet fans wanting more 'core' gamer titles released, Nintendo have just unveiled a trio of new Wii titles at their Autumn press conference in Tokyo. First up is old franchise Punch Out making a return to the Wii - which NGamer magazine prophesised would appear at E3.

Also announced is the sequel Sin and Punishment 2, the original title of which only recently got released in the West via the Virtual Console thanks to the Hanabi festival.

Next up, the Wii will also be seeing an Another Code title (named Trace Memory outside of Europe) sequel. The original title was released a couple of years back for the DS.

Nintendo's new Wii games montage also shows for 2009: Dynamic Shin (working title), Tact of Magic, Kensakusu, Cosmic Walker, NHK Quiz, Line Attack Heroes (working title) and Eternal Ocean 2, all from Nintendo! Check it out below:

Does this top E3 for core gamers? Stay with N-Europe for more news and screens for these titles very soon.

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