News: New Zelda Images and Info!

Posted 22 Apr 2005 at 19:11 by Ashley Jones
You'll have to sit through slightly shady machine translations of a Spanish magazine but the bright side is new The Legend of Zelda images are contained within.
The Spanish magazine 'Hobby Consolas' has been fortunate to get new images of The Legend of Zelda and a look into the making of the game that is on most Nintendo fan's wish lists.
Traces of storyline are reported, but the information here has gone through several translations, at least one of which from an internet site, so it may not be hundred percent accurate. That being said, one of the most interesting titbits is the game can "lie in up to seventy-two hours". Whether that means it lasts for 72 hours, similar to Majora's Mask, or a player may take 72 hours to complete it is unknown. It does mention that the game will be two to three times larger than The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time, so it is probably referring to the playtime.
In the game Link will be sixteen, and he will gradually grow up during the game. The town 'Toaru' will be where you start the game and where the usual tutorials will take place. During this period the screenshots suggest Link will not be donning his usual green tunic. Eiji Aonuma desires for this tutorial to be entertaining, so not only can new players learn the game but experienced players will not feel bored. One of the tasks will be to help a pregnant woman carry heavy things home, so the game will also teach good morals in typical Nintendo fashion.
Also featured in the magazine is details that Link must ride his horse in one level to round up cows, all within a time limit. Talking of his horse, it will play a much bigger part in this game than the much-loved Epona. It seems that as well as attacking enemies that pop up while riding, like seen in previous videos, Link must also engage in duels. However the translation for this is a bit shady.
As far as the controller scheme goes it will be similar to The Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time, whereby jumping will happen automatically and the L-button is used for targeting enemies.
Eiji Aonuma also comments that he wanted to change the graphical style, although our translation states he wants to make it "more closely at one gas," but let's presume that is one of those delightful machine translation mistakes. He stated that while the graphical style has become more realistic he did not want to make it like the cut-scenes of many Square-Enix games because he felt the Space World 2000 demo felt like a doll without a personality.
He also spoke of the DS version of Zelda. While it is unclear whether the game will actual differ from Four Swords Adventures radically, or just slightly, is not clear at present. However he did state Wi-Fi online play is promised, good news for all. This seems to be all the information we'll get about these two games until E3, when we can expect something a bit more...well, English-written. However, for now glare over the shots of the magazine and if you live in Spain go buy it now!
It appears that the magazine itself is in a bit of a mess, with paragraphs repeated, parts missing and such. However our friend Manuel has done us a huge favour and translated the article for us. While we're not going to supply you with the whole article below are the interesting parts.
- The writer was very enthusiastic about how great the game was going to be, and he only played three short demos.
- "As you'll remember, all the games in the saga started with our beloved hero being a kid and growing up while you completed the games. This characteristic will influence in a direct way to the development of the game, as Link will be able to perform a great number of ac-" The magazine cuts off at "ac" but it is safe to presume the word should be "actions".
- Side-quests are briefly discussed. Apparently there will be lots of them in this game, with one of them being to take care of cattle (seen in the scans).
- It appears that Aonuma wasn't pleased with the water in The Wind Waker, however he plans to fix it for this game. "...making the water transparent is going to let us show very nice and realistic environments and, at the same time, it'll extent the game to a new sub-aquatic world."
- The characters in the game are to appear more realistic as well. Talking about the concept art featured in the scans Aonuma states the following; "As you can see (...), characters and enemies will look great and also a bit more adult and realistic than in its last counterparts. Each character will have a defined personality and will react differently to our actions. On the other side, animations will also be fabulous and look natural. They are taking care of every single detail"
- As reported the writer played three demos; one in Toaru, one with the cattle and another which took place in a huge battlefield whereby Link had to fight enemies while horseback. Another short demo was played, that involved Link jousting with an enemy.
- Furthering the "puppets without personalities" comment Aonuma stated "they looked like puppets without personality. I prefer the new look, closer to manga style."
- Finally, Aonuma does believe the game will be two or three times larger than Ocarina of Time, and hopes the game will take about seventy hours to complete.
And now on to the new scans. The images are very large and will take some time to load, but are well worth it.