News: NewKidCo 2002 Line-up

Children's video game publisher, NewKidCo International Inc. officially announced its upcoming line-up today. At this year's E3, the company unveiled next generation games based on well-known licensed properties including Dora the Explorer, Dr. Seuss, Tom and Jerry, Little League Baseball and E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. The new games received an enthusiastic response from retailers, media and attendees during E3.

"We are excited to bring this incredible cast of characters to life in new interactive adventures," said Henry Kaplan, CEO of NewKidCo. "We have fully utilized the capabilities of the leading next generation platforms to develop some of our most entertaining titles to date."

The following is a partial list of the new video games scheduled for release in 2002:

Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers for PlayStation� 2 and GameCube�
Scheduled release date: PS2: June 2002, GCube: October 2002

Rated T for Teen, this is the first PS2 and GameCube "all ages brawler"

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: Return To The Green Planet for PlayStation 2
Scheduled release date: October 2002

The storyline for this game was taken from the graphic novel (of the same name) that was to be used as the basis for the sequel that was never made. This, in essence, is the sequel to E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: Search for Dragora for GameCube
Scheduled release date: October 2002

It's a race against time as E.T. collects plants from all over the galaxy, cross-pollinating them in an attempt to grow a new flower (Dragora) that generates live-giving energies

Dora the Explorer: The Hunt for Pirate Pig's Treasure for Game Boy� Advance
Scheduled release date: October 2002

A strong license for both young boys and girls, this game features all of the "key" Dora characters (i.e.: Dora, Boots, Map, Backpack, Swiper the Fox, Tico, Benny and the Fiesta Trio)

The Super Stoo-Pendous World of Dr. Seuss for Game Boy Advance
Scheduled release date: October 2002

Various levels, rich with Seussian humor and adventure, pit our heroes against such wacky characters as Thing 1 and Thing 2, the Onceler, Sylvester McMonkey McBean and that infamous, trouble-maker, the Cat in the Hat

Little League Baseball 2002 for Game Boy Advance
Scheduled release date: August 2002

Stays true to the official Little League rules and regulations, featuring six inning games, for quick competition. (In T-ball, the games are four innings in length.) In the event of a tie, extra inning games are allowed

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: Venrom's Assault for Game Boy Advance
Scheduled release date: October 2002

Many new powers are demonstrated by E.T. such as levitation, a telekinetic hold, telepathic persuasion, the heart stun beam and the ability to teleport enemies to different locations

Tom & Jerry in Infurnal Escape for Game Boy Advance
Scheduled release date: November 2002

Highly detailed backgrounds rendered directly from the "classic" era toons within 15 levels featuring Tom in his first starring role against overpowering foes

Muppet Pinball Mayhem for Game Boy Advance
Scheduled release date: June 2002

Realistic pinball simulation that lets kids play as one of multiple Muppet characters, including Miss Piggy, Kermit, Gonzo and Animal, each with unique play characteristics

The company has additional games in development for 2002 including Dora the Explorer for PlayStation One scheduled for Q4. The company is currently in negotiations for additional sports titles to complement its kids sports line.

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