News: Next Tiger Woods To Use MotionPlus

It's confirmed the next edition of the popular golfing franchise will have true 1:1 control...

When it came to Wii last year, we loved Tiger Woods 09. The game featured a tonne of features, an impressive online mode and most importantly, sublime golfing controls. It looks like Mr Woods' 2010 title will go one better, as EA confirms the Wii game will take use of Nintendo's Wii MotionPlus gadget.

If you've been living under a rock for the past year, MotionPlus is an accessory that fits onto the bottom of the Wii Remote, and enhances the motion-controlling capabilities of the controller. In basic terms, it allows for true 1:1 gameplay in games � a feature that many gamers were hoping for originally.

The news means that the tally for titles so far confirmed to use MotionPlus is scratched up to four � with EA Sports upcoming tennis title, Ubisoft's Red Steel 2 and Nintendo's own Wii Sports: Resort making up the rest of the list. p>

Expect Tiger Woods 2010 to release this Autumn. p>

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