News: NGC commericial 'official' *Updated*

The Gamecube commercial will receive its first airing tonight, according to a Nintendo UK 'insider'. Strong indications point to a 9-10pm time slot on Channel 4 (slightly before, during or slightly after the Robbie Williams documentary).

I have tracked down the email to my very own inbox and here it is:

Hi people!!! It's me, Tanya!

Just been told to set up a GameCube meeting. Martin Warner (a.k.a., Don Corleone :-0) said it's 'strictly executive only'. (Thought an e-mail would save time!! All you non-execs put your blindfolds on!! Ha, Ha!)

It's to let you all know about a new exclusive website called Marty says it's like a club for GameCube fans. It has?(checking notes!!)...the latest GameCube news and competitions with GameCubes, cinema and gig tickets as prizes. You could even win VIP tickets to CubeClub nights in trendy nightclubs!! The next one's being held in Newscastle's Klub Ikon on 2 April. Martykins, PPPPPPLLLEEAASSSEE sort me out tickets!!!!!!!!!!!

Before I rattle on, remember this info MUST NOT reach the public!! M kept going on about some big launch he wanted. Apparently the new TV ad is being shown on the site now (I am sooooo going to get in trouble for this!!). It airs during the Robbie Williams documentary on 30 March. Now there's a man I would kick into bed!!!!!

Malcolm from IT says you can go straight to the site by clicking on this 'link'(?) below.

Hope you all have wicked days. I'm off to get my nails done!

PS, Don't forget to forget I sent this e-mail!!

PPS, Suzy, tell him you don't believe it was his sister!! No matter how close he says they are!!!!

Hugs and kisses, Tan ;-)

Tanya Brooke
Personal Assistant to the CEO, Martin Warner.
For more Nintendo news and information
about the CubeClub, visit

This email appears to be a clever marketing initiative. We can now confirm that the GC ad will definitely air tonight during the Robbie Williams documentary. Nintendo really are starting to make their presence felt here in Europe - two Gamecube websites, tv ads beginning tonight and a whole new Nintendo magazine. We love you Nintendo!

Here's the European Cube Club website's take on the advertising extravaganza:

Nintendo, the world's leading video games company, fires the starting gun for the launch of its next generation home console Nintendo GameCube, with the first airing of it's TV advertising campaign. The 30 million Euro UK marketing campaign will commence on March 30th during the Robbie Williams documentary "Nobody Someday" shown at 9:00pm on Channel 4, paving the way for the launch of the Nintendo GameCube in Europe on May 3.

Nintendo GameCube will be the only console dedicated to playing video games. And that promise will be matched by delivering the largest range of software titles ever seen for a platform launch. TWENTY software titles will be available from day one, with FIFTY titles available on Nintendo GameCube by summer.

Nintendo GameCube is targeted at anyone who loves playing great games - aged eight to eighty. This promise is supported by a range of software titles that spans football, traditional and extreme sports, action, fantasy, racing, and of course Nintendo's own exclusive cast of characters such as Luigi and Mario. Day one will also see the arrival of two first party titles, Luigi's Mansion and WaveRace: Blue Storm, both exclusive to Nintendo GameCube, plus another eighteen 3rd party titles including Star Wars Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron II from LucasArts and 2002 FIFA World Cup from EA SPORTS. And later on in 2002, the Resident Evil series from Capcom will also come exclusively to Nintendo GameCube.

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