News: NGC Defend Themselves In Print

NGC magazine's March issue contains a statement from the team about their Twilight Princess/Revolution control claims...

Making Nintendo's carefully worded denials seem all the more vague, the latest issue of NGC magazine contains a statement similar to the one they released at the beginning of the year, when Nintendo originally rebuked their claims that they could exclusively reveal Twilight Princess would utilise the Revolution controller when played on the forthcoming console.

The magazine has obviously recieved plenty of mail from fans, asking about the story's authenticity. NGC replied as follows:

"We've received loads of similar letters, and it hasn't escaped our attention that many Internet sites have debunked our story based on Nintendo's carefully worded statement (which, if you decode the PR-speak, actually boils down to 'no comment'. So we'd like to set the record straight. The story about Zelda appearing on Revolution isn't speculation - it's fact. We were told this by a trusted source at Nintendo, and we have no reason to doubt it. We understand why Nintendo issued its statement - after all, this news wasn't supposed to break until the E3 show in May - but we're 100% accurate when we assure you that Twilight Princess will be a Revolution title."

For the latest from Nintendo on this and a timeline of the whole saga, click to read our article from a few days ago here!

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