News: NGC Magazine Defiant Over Zelda Article

Posted 11 Jan 2006 at 10:15 by Tom Phillips
NGC magazine stick to their guns and say their Revolution/Twilight Princess article is not fake, despite Nintendo claiming it was "merely speculation".
The saga continues. The popular unofficial Nintendo magzine NGC has today made a statement claiming their information came from sources within Nintendo, and suggested that in time, we'd see for ourselves who was right.
"The news came from somebody senior at Nintendo who, admittedly, probably shouldn't have let it slip before E3. But they did, and we would have been crazy not to print it," NGC have stated.
We reported back in December that in NGC's January issue NGC would, in their words, "exclusively reveal that Twilight Princess will be playable on the forthcoming Revolution using the upcoming console's unique controller." The magazine also said they knew the system would launch in Europe around November time. Click here to read their words in full or additionally, here to see full scans of the magazine pages.
Nintendo then responded last week (see article here) saying the article was "pure speculation,", adding they had "made no new announcements regarding The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess." Some fans thought the wording was such that it wasn't an explicit denial of NGC's claims, and that it was more Nintendo trying to keep a lid on NGC's claims before an official announcement. With NGC's reputation on the line, would the magazine really have printed something so sensational without knowing for certain it was true?
We're following this story closely as it continues to break. Stick with R-E for the latest!