News: NGC Zelda Claims 'Pure Speculation'

Posted 06 Jan 2006 at 09:21 by Tom Phillips
Nintendo have responded to NGC magazine's claims that Twilight Princess will utilise Revolution controls...
The Big N have dismissed claims that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be playable with the new "freestyle" controller on the Revolution. Like any other Cube game, you will be able to play it using the Revolution console, but according to Nintendo, that's as far as it goes.
"The article in the January edition of NGC Magazine is pure speculation," the company has told gaming site Eurogamer. "Nintendo have made no new announcements regarding The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. We can however confirm that the game is still in development and that it will launch on Nintendo GameCube in 2006."
It's suprising NGC got this so wrong - something that could lead people to think there might still be a grain of truth in the story. We'll keep you posted, but for now consider this rumour squashed.