News: Night of the Sacrifice Details Emerge

Posted 23 Dec 2010 at 12:43 by Ashley Jones
We shed light on how Night of the Sacrifice uses the Balance Board, why the characters are so colourful and what the second player does.
When Marvelous announced recently that they have a new Balance Board compatible horror title in development many gamers were confused. Thanks to a new issue of Famitsu the confusion has been cleared up.
Andriasang report that in the newest issue of Famitsu more details about the title have emerged. The Balance Board is used to move your in-game character by simply walking on it. A friend can join you in the quest to uncover the spooky goings on by using the Wii Remote to attack enemies. Most of the game involves exploring the area and using the Wii Remote to shine a flash light.
The screenshots that were released with the announcement featured some oddly colourful characters. It turns out the five characters, as can be seen below, are the five college students who are featured in the storyline. Each character is named after their primarily colour and they all have unique personalities.

Black is the character that invited his friends to the haunted ravine as his father owns a mansion there. Blue is a kind individual with a strong sense of justice. Yellow is pure hearted and was raised well by her parents. Pink doesn't hold back with her opinions and Red is the leader but has a short temper and caused the events of the game to begin with the statement "let's test our courage".
During the game you will be able to control Black, Blue, Yellow and "You". There is no indication of why you will not be able to play as Pink and Red during the game but Yellow befriends a mysterious young girl so it is likely your sections as Yellow will be based around this.