News: NiGHTS 2 Exclusive To Wii!

Posted 30 Mar 2007 at 10:49 by Nathan Whincup
News that can only be described in one 'word': ZOMFG! Scans inside.
A Portugese magazine has finally unveiled NiGHTS 2 for the Wii in picture form. My apologies for the short article, but nothing more can be said about the scans at the moment, due to the fact that I cannot read Portugese. The scans are very lovely however, and the article will be updated when we have a translation. This is final confirmation that the game is in fact in development. And now, without further ado, here are the goods:
Stay tuned for a translation and more about NiGHTS 2 for the Wii.
Forum users pedrocasilva and Dante have helped to partly translate the text. Here's what pedrocasilva managed to salvage first of all.
A unpredicted return Nights into Dreams was, and is, one cult title, frequently not understood, and not even the ruin of Dreamcast removed it's fans the hope of seeing the creature returning to Nightopia. And with Nintendo's new console, a window was now open...
And from forum user Dante:
The title will be Wii exclusive ("exclusivo Wii"), will feature a two-player mode, online features and special movements. Claire and Elliot are back. Takeshi Iizuka chose the Wii for the new game because of the controller. Apparently, the game will be officially revealed in April.
We are getting constant updates from our brilliant forum community, so click here to be taken to the topic. It all starts on page 9.
Also thanks go to N-Europe reader Jon Alfredsson for his input.