News: NiGHTS Into Cube?

Posted 29 Jan 2004 at 00:26 by Iun Hockley
You never know when dreams come true, and for many fans this could be the time. Sleep on, my Dreamers!
For what seems like an endless night, filled with blackest darkness and horrible nightmares, we have waited for news of our saviour. And now it seems that this could be the time to awaken!
For those of you wondering what in the heck I'm talking about, wonder no more: A sequel to the long-lost treasure of the Saturn era, NiGHTS could be on its way to the current generation of hardware.
Remembered for its cornucopia of beautiful colours, magical music and engaging platform-style gameplay NiGHTS was a true classic that hasn't been seen since the days of the ill-fated Saturn. However this could be set to change if the vague and poorly translated comments of Iizuca-san of Sonic Team are to be believed. In an interview in Electronic Gamer Monthlyhe was quoted as saying the following:
"NiGHTS has lots of fans. And as long as I am in Sega, they promise to make the sequel of NiGHTS. If the voice of many fans is heard, NiGHTS will become one of my next projects in the future."
So is this an appeal to fan power to overwhelm the corporate giant of SEGA? Who can tell! But this bodes well both for SEGA fans and console owners as it may well mean that the Pachinko-orientated influence of Sammy has not taken such a grasp of the company.