News: Nintendo Announces Yet Another Wii Bundle

Posted 15 Nov 2011 at 19:42 by Aaron Clegg
If you're looking to jump on the Wii wagon, there's never been a better time.
Nintendo has announced yet another new Wii bundle set to hit Europe to take advantage of the holiday rush.
The Mario Kart bundle is for those who like their racing fun and no-frills. The package includes a black version of the newly-configured Wii console, Mario Kart Wii and a black Wii Wheel. It is due to hit shops in the UK and Ireland (and presumably across Europe too) this Friday.
A reminder that the new Wii model removes Gamecube compatibility, so you won't be able to play Gamecube titles or use Gamecube controllers. The system is also only designed to be lay horizontally.
The Mario Kart pack joins a host of other Wii bundles announced for Europe last month.